Anti-bullying thru the Arts at AACPS Board Meeting

What an evening!!! The winners from our “Anti-bullying thru the Arts” contest that was held this past summer within the Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) were announced last night at AACPS’s Board Meeting. A packed auditorium of close to 200 people were in attendance and got a chance to see our talented young artists. The contest was an opportunity for students to communicate to their peers a message about bullying that is important to them. This contest builds on our anti-bullying grant program-partnership that we have with AACPS. Our winners won a cash award from the Foundation, and then we matched that award as well with a donation to a charity of their choice. Their artwork is being reproduced and distributed to the schools for display.
Our winners are:
Sydney Slack-Severn River Middle School-”Mean Words-Mean Actions.” Ellie Fahey-Chesapeake Science Point- “Stop the Silence.” Beda Vining-Severn River Middle School- “Know Empathy.” Congratulations to these talented young artists!