OTRI Wrap Up 2016
This years winners of Olivia's Team Racing Invitational held last weekend atSevern Sailing Association. The weather didn't cooperate on...

Olivia's Pizza and Ice Cream Regatta
Thanks to Avalon Yacht Club and Allyson Markussen for hosting Olivia's Pizza and Ice Cream Regatta! Everyone had a wonderful time and...

Lighthouse Shelter & Mr. Egg Man
Thanks to everyone who contributed and volunteered this morning at the Light House – Homeless Prevention Support Center. And a special...
Lighthouse Shelter Summer Serving
Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered to serve breakfast over the summer months at the Light House – Homeless Prevention...

Third Annual Olivia's Team Racing Invitational 2015
Finished up the 3rd Annual Olivia’s Team Racing Invitational at SSA today, one of the most unique team racing regattas in the sport of...