OTRI Wrap Up 2016
This years winners of Olivia's Team Racing Invitational held last weekend atSevern Sailing Association. The weather didn't cooperate on...

2016 Scholarship Recipient Photos
Here are some pictures of our OCF 2016 - Scholarship Recipients. What a great group of young adults who all have such bright futures!...

Eggman is Back!
Thanks everyone who made serving breakfast at the Light House - Homeless Prevention Support Center this morning a success. Wonderful...
Anti-Bullying Through the Arts Winners
We completed our “Anti-Bullying through the Arts” poster contest with the Anne Arundel County Public Schools. It was an opportunity for...
Meeting 2016 Scholarship Recepients
We had the opportunity to meet most of our 2016 Scholarship Award recipients on Wednesday evening. What a wonderful group of young women...