Olivia Event Appreciation
What a great evening we had on Friday night at SSA! Thank you to those of you who joined us to remember and celebrate Olivia, on the 5...
Another Breakfast Served at the Lighthouse Shelter
Thanks to all the volunteers who made this mornings breakfast at the Light House - Homeless Prevention Support Center a success!!!...
AACPS Partnership for Children
Had a great meeting with Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families this week. We are looking forward to working...

First Scholarship Recipient Graduated
Our first scholarship recipient graduated!!!!!!! #CONGRATS #OCFSCHOLARSHIP #SPIRITOFOLIVIA
Katarina's Recovery
The Olivia Constants Foundation is pleased to be able to support Katarina's recovery. Visit https://fundly.com/help-with-katarina-s-recov...